Pokemon Go
Many Pokémon GO trainers are currently working to complete the challenging Celebi Special Research questline. One of the tasks requires evolving your Eevee buddy into the Dark-type Pokémon Umbreon. While you can force Eevee's evolution into specific forms like Espeon and Sylveon using nickname tricks, the trick only works once.
For trainers looking to evolve Eevee into Umbreon for their Special Research after exhausting the nickname method, there is an alternative evolution process you can follow. It does take a bit more effort than just renaming your Eevee, but thankfully also progresses another Celebi task objective at the same time.
The key to evolving Eevee into Umbreon without a nickname is evolving it at night while it is set as your buddy. First, head into your Pokémon list and designate the Eevee you want to evolve as your buddy. Make sure to walk around with your buddy Eevee for at least 10km total to satisfy one of the Celebi challenges.
While walking Eevee, keep an eye on the time displayed in the game. You'll need to evolve Eevee after nightfall in the Pokémon GO world, usually between 7pm and 7am local time. The background should be very dark for optimal results.
Once night arrives, check that your walked Eevee buddy is still selected. Then initiate the evolution process. As long as you fulfill the requirements of evolving a buddy Eevee at night, it should transform into Umbreon!
With patience and a bit of planning around daylight hours, trainers can now evolve Eevee into the moonlight Pokémon Umbreon for their Special Research without any naming tricks. Just be sure to evolve at night for guaranteed success. Follow this method and you'll be one step closer to discovering the mythical Pokémon Celebi!